Fashion for Women

 Short Dress: The short dress was a very popular garment in the disco era. These dresses had very flowy arms but were tapered to close to the body. Often used to reveal a women figure, these dress were perfect for those young single girls. The short dress came in every color like every other piece of disco apparel.  The shoes of choice would be gogo boots or platform shoes.
         Jumpsuits:  More popular with the women then men was the jumpsuit. This "onesy" was a combination of bell bottoms and tank tops. The cuff of bell bottoms was more frilly and were meant to expand when the wearer turned. Like the short dress, it too hugged the body to show off physique. Made mainly of synthetics, the jumpsuit was a light garment ready for the dance floor.                      
Bell Bottoms: Popular with both genders, bell bottoms were the pants made for everybody. The bell bottoms allow people to wear platform shoes without tripping over themselves. Loose in the thigh, tight at the knee, and wide and the foot, bell bottoms were comfortable, cool, and out of sight.

Gogo Boots: The calf high boot of the 1960s and 1970s. Gogo boots are originally from the late 1960s but crossed over to the 1970s. The boot came up to the calf and normally had a heel. Gogo boots are still popular today with many flag and dance lines.
Platform Shoes: This classic disco shoe was the standard. The platform shoe was popular for both men and women on the disco scene. These shoes came in all styles; snake skin, dress, suede, leather. It was believed that the higher the platform the better off you were. I still cannot see how you could dance in those shoes but that's just me.