The Language

From Disco came a whole set of word that you will need to know to fully enjoy the disco experience. Unfortunately, some disco words are not found in a dictionary so there is no true Websters definition.

Disco:  a style of music for dancing, usually recorded and with complex electronic instrumentation, in which simple repetitive lyrics are subordinated to a heavy, pulsating, rhythmic beat.

Discotheque: a nightclub where people dance to recorded music.

Disco Ball: A multifaceted mirrored ball that rotates over a dace floor for light effects.

Disco Nap: A brief nap a person takes before going out for a long party.*

Disk Jockey: A D.J.

Funky: Of or relating to music that has an earthy quality reminiscent of the blues.

Groovy: Highly stimulating or attractive; excellent.

Hip: cool.*

Hustle: The basic form of disco dancing or a song by Van McCoy and the Soul City Symphony.

Jive: To talk.*

Killer: Very cool.*

Narc: Narcotics officer.

Stomp: Partying all night.*

Turkey: A jerk or an idiot.*